Integrating Earth-to-Air Heat Exchanger and Water Spray Channel for Eco-Friendly Cooling System in Tehran, Iran

2023-04-17 19:16:01 By : admin
Wuxi Tecfree International, a specialized supplier focusing on heat exchanger solutions and muffler, has recently introduced an eco-friendly and energy-efficient cooling system that utilizes soil to provide thermal comfort. The integrated cooling system consists of an earth-to-air heat exchanger (EAHE) and a water spray channel, which is capable of decreasing the air dry-bulb temperature below the inlet ambient wet-bulb temperature.

The cooling performance of the EAHE and water spray channel system was evaluated in Tehran, Iran. The inlet air temperature passing through the EAHE dissipates its heat to the surrounding soil and becomes slightly colder. To reach thermal comfort, the pre-cooled air flows upward through a channel spraying water downward and enters the living space. The system provides comfort conditions for the summer season in Tehran by considering the evaporative thermal comfort zone.
Performance analysis of an integrated cooling system consisted of earth-to-air heat exchanger (EAHE) and water spray channel | SpringerLink

According to the results of the performance analysis, the cooling effectiveness of the proposed hybrid system is more than 100%, which means that the system is capable of decreasing the air dry-bulb temperature below the inlet ambient wet-bulb temperature, resulting in more cooling. This system is capable of meeting thermal comfort conditions, and it is an eco-friendly and energy-efficient alternative to conventional evaporative coolers or mechanical vapor compression systems.

The system's primary source of alternative energy is the ground, which is a reliable and abundant resource. This system is eco-friendly because it does not rely on electricity to provide cooling, instead utilizing the earth’s natural cooling ability to provide comfort to the users. The proposed cooling system is a significant step in the direction of reducing carbon emissions, one of the biggest contributors to climate change.

Wuxi Tecfree International has established itself as one of the leading heat exchanger solutions providers since its establishment in 2009. The company is based in Wuxi, east of China, and is situated close to Shanghai. They offer their services to customers worldwide, focusing on the construction machinery and industrial equipment sectors. This new cooling system is the company's latest offering, contributing to their commitment to providing customers with state-of-the-art, eco-friendly solutions. They believe that the introduction of this system is a significant milestone in the fight against climate change and the promotion of sustainable living.

In conclusion, the introduction of this eco-friendly and energy-efficient cooling system by Wuxi Tecfree International is an impressive step forward in the promotion of sustainable living. By utilizing the ground as the primary source of alternative energy, this system is capable of providing thermal comfort while significantly reducing carbon emissions. Future cities should incorporate this system in their construction plans to reduce their carbon footprint and ensure a sustainable future.